Nandi Panchgavya Monthly Subscription:

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Nandi Panchgavya Monthly Subscription:


I am Nandi Diya

I am Nandi Diya, I am made with Panchgavya - cow's milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung - along with several Ayurvedic herbs.

My aim

I want to make innumerable helpless, unemployed, elderly people self-reliant by providing them employment and thus, a livelihood. I also want to save cows from ending up in slaughterhouses and losing their lives.

My resolution

By releasing 100% oxygen and sanitising the air, I want to save you from the innumberable diseases out there. I want to keep disease spreading bacteria and mosquitoes away from you. I wish to see you and your loved ones healthy by circulating pure and positive energy in and around your family. I want to give you the benefits of a Havan by spreading the Essence of Divinity.

I also want to help you grow financially and invite prosperity in your life. In this digital era, with the help of technology, I actively want to be a source of income for every section of the society. My relics will also prove to be very beneficial for the flora and fauna around you. My proof, During gas tragedies and nuclear disasters, I have saved many families around the world.

